International Accreditations, Certifications and Awards
AABB Accreditation
Cordlife Indonesia becomes First Cord Blood Bank in Indonesia to Achieve Global AABB Accreditation
Since our inception, Cordlife adheres to the best practices and follows the stringent protocols from the collection to the processing and storage of cord blood. Cordlife has also established a quality system and proven track record of reliable cord blood banking services and transplant use track record.
In October 2023, the global AABB accreditation was awarded to Cordlife after the new banking facility was determined to have met or exceeded the stringent standards set by AABB, following a rigorous on-site audit conducted by trained AABB assessors.
With Cordlife Indonesia’s new AABB accreditation status, Cordlife clients in Indonesia can now opt to have their transplant or infusion done in countries such as United States and Singapore, where only cord blood units (if imported) handled by AABB or its equivalent accredited facilities, will be permitted or preferred for use.
“Accreditation is highly crucial for healthcare organisations because it gives patients the necessary peace of mind. Expectant parents who choose an accredited cord blood bank can be assured that their babies’ cord blood will be properly handled and cryopreserved for future use,” said Dr Ardiansjah Dara, SpOG, a renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist in Indonesia.

Ministry of Health and ISO 9001:2015
Proven Expertise & Quality Assured
In 2007, Cordlife Persada launched the first and only DEPKES licensed cord blood processing and storage facility in Indonesia through a joint venture partnership with country's largest pharmaceutical company, Kalbe Farma.
We pride ourselves on these stringent standards and guarantee that your baby's cord blood unit will be screened, processed and stored according to the strictest international quality assurance programme. Transplant physicians are more likely to accept an internationally accredited cord blood unit, compared to a unit which is not.
Internationally Recognised
In 2007, Cordlife was awarded the prestigious 'Technology Pioneer' status by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum for advancing the field of adult stem cell cellular therapy, cord blood banking and technologies. This rare recognition was awarded to 47 companies worldwide, from a pool of 225 nominees. Cordlife was one of the only 3 companies in Asia to be awarded.

Accreditations and Certifications achieved by Cordlife Group Limited and associates
Our laboratory and processes are approved and certified by the following authorities. We ensure that we have the best practices in cord blood stem cells collection and banking. They are timely checked and we are audited according to their stringent criteria to achieve our accreditation.